3 Tips To Improve Your Eye Health

Being able to maintain clear vision often means taking care of your eyes correctly. Many people do not give much thought to their eye health, but failing to take your optical health into consideration could compromise your vision in the future.

Here are three tips that you can use to help improve the health of your eyes over time:

1. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

It's important that you are eating a diet that features fresh fruits and vegetables if you want to maintain the health of your eyes. Free radicals have the potential to jeopardize your eyesight, but fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that can help combat the negative effects of free radicals.

Be sure to eat a lot of dark-colored fruits and vegetables (like spinach, kale, and carrots) since these foods are rich in lutein, an antioxidant that plays a key role in preserving the health of your eyes.

2. Increase your seafood consumption.

Eating more fresh fish could be a simple and effective way to improve the quality of your eyesight. Fish products made from salmon, mackerel, or tuna have a high omega-3 content.

Omega-3 is a fatty acid that can help protect your eyes from chronic conditions like macular degeneration and dry eye. Be sure that you are ingesting enough seafood to help give your eyes access to the omega-3 needed for proper health.

3. Consume more almonds.

Your body needs a healthy amount of B vitamins to function properly. One of these B vitamins, known as B-2 or riboflavin, plays a crucial role in helping you maintain the overall health of your eyes.

When you are deficient in riboflavin, you may experience negative optical symptoms like redness, irritation, fatigue, or sensitivity to light. Continued deficiency could make your eyes more vulnerable to the development of cataracts. Almonds have a high riboflavin content, so they make a great addition to a diet designed to target optimal eye health.

Maintaining the health of your eyes requires that you consume enough of the vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids your body uses to maintain your optical tissues. You should eat a lot of dark-colored fruits and vegetables, increase your seafood consumption, and add almonds to your diet to improve your eye health. Adding a supplement designed specifically to improve your optical health can also be beneficial in allowing you to preserve your eyesight well into the future.

Contact a medical office like Cambridge Institute for Better Vision for more information and assistance. 

About Me

glasses and eye exams for kids

Every year, I take all three of my kids to the eye doctor to get an exam and new glasses if they need them. This can add up to be quite expensive when you have to pay for three kids to have those exams and get new glasses. I have researched the best way to get glasses at affordable rates and even what to do with the glasses that my kids no longer wear. I have included everything that I have learned about kids' glasses and eye care here on my blog. Hopefully, my experiences will help you to keep your kids seeing clearly.