You Must Do These 4 Things After LASIK Surgery

If you're tired of taking your glasses or contact lenses off after a long day, LASIK surgery can offer a permanent solution. LASIK vision correction is a type of surgery that reshapes the surface of your eye. Once you've had this surgery, you will have 20/20 vision or better. You'll be able to wake up and go to sleep with perfect vision without the hassle of vision correction aids. Here are four things you must do after your vision correction surgery:

1. Keep your eyes dry.

After your vision correction surgery, your eyes will need time to heal. For the first three days following your LASIK surgery, you'll need to keep them dry. Water can contain bacteria, which may cause an infection. If you take a shower, make sure to avoid getting water into your eyes. Use makeup wipes or a damp cloth in order to wash your face. You may want to forgo makeup for the first 24 hours to minimize the need to cleanse your face.

2. Don't strain your eyes.

Focusing on nearby objects forces your eyes to use certain muscles. Immediately after your vision correction surgery, you should rest your eyes as much as possible. Clear your schedule so you don't have to do any work because you should avoid using your laptop or tablet during this time. Reading should also be put off until your eyes heal. If possible, you should try to sleep to give your eyes a chance to recover. If you get bored, you can call a friend or listen to music to pass the time.

3. Protect your eyes.

Since you can't flush your eyes with water during the healing process, you'll want to avoid getting any foreign objects in your eyes. Wear sunglasses outside for the first couple of weeks in order to protect your eyes. Your eyes may be more sensitive to light in the first couple of weeks, so sunglasses will also shield them from the sun. Try to avoid going outside when it's very windy, as the wind can kick up debris that might make its way into your eyes.

4. Be patient.

LASIK surgery offers results that last a lifetime. However, these results won't be immediately apparent. Your vision will be blurry for the first few days after your surgery. This is perfectly normal. Over the next few months, your vision will settle, and you'll be able to enjoy 20/20 eyesight. 

About Me

glasses and eye exams for kids

Every year, I take all three of my kids to the eye doctor to get an exam and new glasses if they need them. This can add up to be quite expensive when you have to pay for three kids to have those exams and get new glasses. I have researched the best way to get glasses at affordable rates and even what to do with the glasses that my kids no longer wear. I have included everything that I have learned about kids' glasses and eye care here on my blog. Hopefully, my experiences will help you to keep your kids seeing clearly.