Thinking About LASIK? 3 Things To Know

If you require glasses or contacts to correct your vision, you may be sick of the expense and hassle. LASIK surgery can help you break free from glasses or contacts. LASIK is a procedure where a laser is used to correct vision. This procedure is not the right fit for everyone, but it's a great corrective option for many. Here are three things that you should know if you are looking into this vision correction option.

Whether You Are A Candidate

The first thing to determine if you are looking into LASIK is whether it is an appropriate procedure for your needs. There are a few things that surgeons will look for when determining whether or not you are a candidate for this surgery. First, you will need to be at least 18 years of age before getting this procedure. Your prescription for glasses or contacts will also need to be stable for two or three years. You may not be a good candidate if you have excessive dry eye or have certain conditions like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, or macular degeneration.

Don't Wear Contacts Before Your Evaluation

Another thing that you need to know about LASIK is that you will need to avoid wearing your contacts before your evaluation and before your LASIK procedure. Your surgeon will need to make precise measurements of your eyes to determine how much tissue to remove during your procedure. If you wear soft contacts, you need to avoid wearing them for two weeks before your evaluation. If you wear other types of contact lenses, like hard lenses, you will need to avoid wearing them for a more extended period of time. 

It Can Be Expensive

If you are thinking about LASIK, it's important to note that your insurance probably won't pick up much, or any, of the bill since it is elective surgery. The upfront costs of LASIK can be high. On average, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and $3,000 per eye. However, it can be cost-effective over time, especially if you are spending a lot of money on contacts and glasses. The improvement in vision that LASIK provides also makes it worth the price for many.

If you are looking into LASIK, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, this procedure is not suitable for everyone, and you may not be a good candidate. You will also need to prepare for your LASIK evaluation by not wearing contacts for a few weeks. The procedure's cost can also be high, so make sure that it is something you want to invest in before you commit. 

About Me

glasses and eye exams for kids

Every year, I take all three of my kids to the eye doctor to get an exam and new glasses if they need them. This can add up to be quite expensive when you have to pay for three kids to have those exams and get new glasses. I have researched the best way to get glasses at affordable rates and even what to do with the glasses that my kids no longer wear. I have included everything that I have learned about kids' glasses and eye care here on my blog. Hopefully, my experiences will help you to keep your kids seeing clearly.